Styl-Rama’s Hair Loss Center is proud to offer the latest in hair loss technology. With Styl-Rama you have several options in personalized hair loss solutions. Our highly trained and trustworthy hair loss specialists only give the best possible treatment to ensure a comfortable and successful experience. Some of the treatments we offer for Men’s Hair Loss are:

Non-Surgical hari replacement for menNon-Surgical Hair Replacement For Men

One non-surgical hair replacement system we offer is SensiGraft Hair. The SensiGraft hair replacement system leaves clients with the thickest, fullest; most natural looking hair, and no surgery is required. SensiGraft Hair is far superior to an old school toupee. Once the hair is in place there is no need to remove it, because just like natural hair it can be shampooed, brushed, and styled. Click here to learn more.

mens-laser-hair-lossHair Loss Treatment Products For Men

After over a decade of in depth research and studies, pharmaceutical scientists have both developed and proven that the DHT Sensor program is both safe and effective in preventing and controlling hair loss. Click here to learn more.